Central West Division>
Central West Division is responsible for policing the Town of Whitby as well as the northern boundaries of north Oshawa. The northern area of Oshawa includes two post-secondary learning institutions; Durham College and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. These post-secondary facilities are home to 21,000 students and 3,000 faculty on a daily basis. There are numerous recreational facilities spread throughout this vast area which include; Delpark Homes Centre, Iroquois Park Sports Complex, Luther Vipond Memorial Arena and The McKinney Centre, to name just a few.
Inspector Gill Lock leads a team of sworn and civilian employees in this growing area of the Region that serves as home to the Region of Durham Headquarters, The Durham Region EMS Headquarters, the Durham District School Board and the Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences.
Central West Division is located at: 480 Taunton Road East Whitby, Ontario L1N 5R5
Around Central West Division

Durham Regional Police Service
605 Rossland Rd. E.,
Box 911, Whitby, ON
L1N 0B8
Phone: 905-579-1520
Toll Free: 1-888-579-1520
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