Honour Guard>
The DRPS Honour Guard was formed in 1994 and is comprised of 30 members of the Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS). The sworn and civilian members of the Guard volunteer their time at the various functions throughout the year. Guard members serve a minimum of five years.
The colours of the DRPS Honour Guard are blue, red and silver. The formation of the Guard was authorized by Chief Trevor McCagherty and approved by the Police Services Board.
The mandate of the Guard is to organize and attend all DRPS funerals and represent the organization at all police funerals within the province of Ontario such as the Ontario Police Memorial at Queen's Park in Toronto and the National Memorial in Ottawa. The Honour Guard assists the Service at award ceremonies and important public events as well as any function as directed by the Chief of Police.
Many of the members of the Guard have been with the unit since its inception in 1994. The Service is well represented with a cross section of the 1,200 members of the DRPS. senior officers, staff sergeants, sergeants, detectives, constables, civilian members and auxiliary officers are represented in the Guard.
Members of the Guard have represented the DRPS at funeral services thorough-out Canada.
The Honour Guard attends various ceremonies and events throughout the Region and Ontario every year.
The DRPS Ceremonial Unit is comprised of the DRPS Honour Guard (1994), DRPS Pipes & Drums (1996) and the DRPS Choir (2007).

Durham Regional Police Service
605 Rossland Rd. E.,
Box 911, Whitby, ON
L1N 0B8
Phone: 905-579-1520
Toll Free: 1-888-579-1520
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