DRPS Welcomes 17 New Recruits

DRPS welcomed 17 new recruits to the organization at a modified graduation ceremony last night in Whitby. Due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, family and friends couldn't attend the ceremony in person, but were able to watch virtually.

This graduation looked a lot different than ceremonies prior to the pandemic, which traditionally included the pipes and drums, choir and large groups of family and friends in attendance to show their support. Instead, while physically distancing and wearing masks, the recruits recited their Declaration of Membership after being greeted by Chief Rollauer. Each recruit was also presented with their badge during the ceremony emceed by Executive Officer, Inspector Patrick.

Class valedictorian Cst. Bryan Maravilla spoke on behalf of the graduating class and emphasized the importance of helping others. He thanked the families and loved ones of all the recruits, acknowledging “We wouldn’t be here without your love and support, and we thank you.”

Cst. Hallie Franzin was the recipient of the Allan D. Christiansen Memorial Award as voted by the recruit class. This award honours Cst. Franzin for her positive attitude in life and training, exceptional leadership qualities, dedication to a high level of personal fitness and commitment to volunteering.

The officers will join platoons across Durham Region and receive training from coach officers for the next three months.

Welcome to our newest recruits and congratulations for your perseverance during these difficult times.

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