DRPS Youth in Policing - Summer Initiative Graduation

DRPS Youth in Policing - Summer Initiative Graduation

On August 22, 2024, DRPS’ Youth in Policing (YIP) Initiative marked the success of its 2024 Summer Initiative with a graduation ceremony at Audley Recreation Centre. The event brought together over 200 families, friends, Police Service members, and other distinguished guests to honour the 100 Students outstanding achievements over the past eight weeks.

The students had an exceptional eight-week experience, engaging with the community, dedicating themselves to learning, and demonstrating strong leadership. The 2024 Summer Initiative is the most extensive DRPS YIP program to date, with 100 Students and 18 Youth Leaders employed full-time. A total of 148 DRPS Members (Sworn, Civilian, and Volunteer) from across all pillars of the organization supported YIP in some capacity to make the initiative a success. To support this program, YIP worked with 70 Community Organizations and Public Safety Partners to enhance program delivery and events. YIP Student’s efforts lead to eight successful events being hosted, directly impacting 2,635 members/youth of the community, donating $10,711 and over 3,400 food items for charitable groups, and discovering policing beyond the uniform.

The graduation ceremony opened with performances led by the DRPS Pipes and Drums and the DRPS choir, followed by opening remarks from Police Service Board member Shashi Bhatia and Chief of Police Peter Moreira, congratulating the graduates on their achievements. Each cohort’s valedictorian shared memorable experiences and insights from the initiative, followed by the presentation of prestigious awards. Certificates were then presented to each student, followed by closing remarks from the Police Service Liaisons and a video recap of the program. The YIP team thanks all attendees, including friends, families, Police Services Board members, the DRPS Command Team, community partners, and distinguished guests, whose experience and energy were instrumental in the program’s success.

This graduation not only marked a significant milestone for the students but also underscored the initiative’s unwavering commitment to nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. Learn more about the Youth in Policing Initiative at www.drps.ca/yip and follow them on their social media accounts.

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