Hey Kids! Want to be Chief for a Day?


The 20th Annual Police Chief for a Day essay contest doesn’t start until September, but essays can be entered now.

Students entering into Grade 5 this fall are invited to enter the essay contest to become Durham Regional Police Service’s Chief for a Day. The theme of the essay contest is entitled “What would you do if you were the Chief of Police for a day?” The essay is limited to 500 words.

In the fall, the top Grade 5 finalists from various school boards across Durham Region will be picked up at their schools by police cruisers and escorted to DRPS headquarters. They will then read their winning essays to a community panel of judges, including Chief Peter Moreira, members of the Police Services Board and members of the Police Appreciation Dinner and Awards Night (PADAN) Committee.

The winner will serve as Chief for a Day on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 and will be a guest of honour at the 20th Annual PADAN on October 19th, 2023 at Deer Creek in Ajax.

All submissions must include:

  • Name of student submitting essay (Grade 5 in September 2023)
  • Name and city of school attending
  • School Board the student attends (DDSB, DCDSB, KPR, PVNC etc.)

All essays for consideration are due on Tuesday September 19, 2023 and are to be submitted via email at: chiefforaday@drps.ca

For more information please contact Cst. Stefanie Puckrin at 1-888-579-1520 ext. 1745.



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