Whitby Community Fun Day a Success

The rain didn’t damper the spirits of those who attended the Central West Community Fun Day. Residents  toured vehicles and displays from units such as Forensic Identifcation and other emergency services.

Thank you to all  residents braved the rain and spent time learning about policing - we hope you enjoyed meeting our members, including the four-legged furry ones.

A special thanks to the DRPS' specialty units who volunteered their time and our K9 Unit - Police Service Dogs Taz and Klutch, who were definitely fan favourites. Thanks to our community safety partners - Whitby Fire and Region of Durham Paramedic Services who helped make the day a success. 

Finally, to all attendees who brought non-perishable food items - because of you, we were able to bring a police cruiser full of food to the food bank. Thank you! 


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