Frequently Asked Questions


Please note:

You cannot apply in person for a Police Record Check. It MUST be done online. 

The Region of Durham has opened the Rossland/Garden Headquarters to the public on the lower levels only. The public is NOT able to access the upper floors, including the 3rd floor DRPS Records Counter. 

Current turn-around time: 3 weeks plus mailing

Vulnerable sector checks (VSC) include a criminal record check within the check itself.  So you only need to apply for the VSC to receive the most thorough check.  Please double check with your organization to ensure you are requesting the right type of check. No refunds will be issued if you request the wrong police record check.

A local record check and a police record check are NOT the same.  A local record check is a step that is required to be completed in order to apply for a record suspension (Pardon). A police record check is a document that you apply for that will show your criminal history.

We can’t stress enough to confirm with your organizations the type of check that is required, and ensure that is what you select.  Once your application is complete there are no refunds, so unfortunately you will have to reapply if you choose the wrong police record check.

Police record checks for employment purposes are $57.75 each. If you require a police record check for a volunteer purpose and have a letter from the school or organization you are volunteering for, the police record check fee is $21. Please upload your letter when you apply. All taxes are included.

The fee for a Broad Record Check is also $57.75.


Two pieces of ID are required. One must be government issues photo ID.

All pieces of identification must contain your name and date of birth, cannot be expired and must be original documents or certified true copies.

Accepted Photo Identification (1 piece of identification must be from this list):

Driver's Licence


Ontario Photo Card

Government Employment Card (that contains both your name and date of birth)

Military Employment Card (that contains both your name and date of birth)

Age of Majority Card

Canadian Citizenship Card (up-to-date)

Indian Status Card

International Student Identification Card (ISIC)

Permanent Resident Card

Possession and Acquisition License (PAL)


Accepted Non-Photo Identification (must contain both name and date of birth):

Birth Certificate

Hunting License

Fishing License

Outdoors Card

Immigration Papers (Work permit, Study Permit, Refugee Claimant, etc)

Important Notice: Ontario Health Cards cannot be accepted for identification purposes (Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 section 34(4)). SIN Cards will also not be accepted.


Vulnerable sector screening checks are only valid for the specific employer/position for which it was conducted due to the potential Ministerial disclosure, and are not likely to be accepted by another vulnerable sector employer.

Police records checks are a point-in-time search and only valid on the day they are issued, since information can change from day-to-day. The police service does not determine an expiry date; this is up to the agency/employer. Some might accept a police check that is 3-6 months old, while others may want a new one.

Since a person can be clear of charges or criminal activity today but could be arrested and charged tomorrow, we offer no guarantees on the validity of a police check beyond the actual date on which the search was conducted. As well, not all criminal convictions are reported to the RCMP, and more recent dispositions may not be updated on their system at the time a check is conducted.

We strive to complete requests within three weeks plus mailing, however if you have a criminal record, require fingerprints or we have to confirm any information with another police service, additional processing time will be required. Wait times can also be longer during our busiest season.

Results stemming from police record check (PRC) applications will be returned to you by mail via Canada Post. You will be notified via email once your PRC is complete.

  • If you have any outstanding matters before the courts with another police/law enforcement service.
  • If applications are received and are missing information, we attempt to contact the applicant by email. We are unable to process your records check until the information is received. You will have 30 days to send us the required information, after that your check will be considered abandoned and no refund will be issued.
  • If you require a fingerprint appointment or are required to fill out a self-declaration.
  • Seasonal Delays – ie. August-December (Can be up to a 5 week delay, please plan in advance)

Durham Regional Police will contact you via email, through the email that you provided on your application to arrange for a fingerprint appointment. 

As per RCMP policy, the requirement of providing your fingerprints is mandatory whenever parts of your information such as your name and/or date of birth or gender is a close match with an existing pardoned sex offender. This is not an accusation of criminality, but is required to verify your identity and to protect personal privacy.

If there is a match of your name and/or date of birth or gender to an individual on the pardoned sex offender registry, the Information Release Unit will send you an email indicating you must set up an appointment to have your fingerprints taken at our Regional Headquarters location. You can email infoprints@drps.ca to setup an appointment. The process to have fingerprints taken with the Durham Regional Police can be completed in roughly 15-30 minutes. The Durham Regional Police Service will submit your fingerprints to the RCMP for verification on your behalf.

If the RCMP indicates there is a match to a criminal record; the wait time for results can take up to 120 days. To check the status of your fingerprints, please email infoprint@drps.ca.

The Durham Regional Police Service is billed by the RCMP for every electronic fingerprint submission. The fee for this process is $25.00. Payment can be made by Debit, Credit Card or Cash. If you are a volunteer, and can provide a letter from your agency indicating you are participating in a bona-fide volunteer position, the RCMP will waive the mandated $25.00 fee.

The RCMP will require you to follow this process with every new Vulnerable Sector Screening application you make. The Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Service destroys fingerprint submissions once the search is completed and verification is made. The results of your verification are never retained, therefore each time you submit an application for a Vulnerable Sector Check it is likely a fingerprint submission will be required again.  

Legislation states; we are unable to release your check.  You will have 30 days to provide your ID to us, otherwise your check will be purged and no refund issued.

No. The applicant has to be the one to fill out their own application and submit their own information.  If you use a company email, it will delay the process as we will have to contact the applicant for their personal contact.  We are not allowed to release the information to anyone other than the applicant themselves.  Who they decide to share it with is up to them.

We require files to be uploaded in a format we can view in our Windows environment (ie: JPEG/PDF attachment).

Please ensure you have completed the application fully.  If you missed any of the required fields it will not let you move on.  Check the bottom of the page for red writing which will state the issue to correct.

PDF format

  • Recreate the PDF using the “lowest file size” option available.
  • If you have images, save them with a resolution of 96 DPI (dots per inch).
  • Remove all unnecessary images.
  • You may find file size and image options under the advanced settings section of the software you are using.

JPG format

  • Scan your document at a lower resolution (96 DPI).
  • Remove all empty space around the image.
  • Shrink the image.
  • Reduce the JPG image quality.

TIFF and PNG format

  • Scan your document at a lower resolution (96 DPI).
  • Crop the image to remove any empty space around it.
  • Shrink the image.
  • Save the file in JPG format instead.
  1. Please check with you bank to ensure the funds are available.
  2. Check to ensure you have filled out the appropriate fields (ie. Your card number isn’t where your name should be)

We no longer process Canadian Police Certificates for persons residing outside of Canada. Please refer to the RCMP site for this service.

If so, did you know that you are required to obtain a criminal record check and in most cases the O.C.T. requires your previous or maiden name be listed on your completed check?

Please include your previous or maiden name on your CRC application where indicated. Once you receive your order #, immediately send an email to PoliceRecordCheck@drps.ca with consent and instructions to include your previous or maiden name on your results page.

Your attention to this detail will avoid further delays in receiving your check.

Police records checks are probably the most misunderstood element of screening.

Too many people believe that having a PRC conducted means that the person has been screened. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is not only important to know if someone has been convicted of a crime, but the nature of that crime is equally important. A conviction for sexual assault can be more relevant for a position involving work with children than a conviction for fraud.

What information do the police see when they enter a volunteer's name in their database?

Contrary to popular opinion, not all police forces conduct their criminal record checks in the same manner. Some police rely on their own records. Other forces rely on their records, but also request a criminal record search through the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), while others only request the latter.

Prior to requesting a PRC, your organization should decide what type of information is required from the police.

It is important that the request contains sufficient information about the position description in your organization for which the PRC is conducted.

Limitations to PRCs:

Unfortunately, many abusers and sex offenders have never been convicted of a crime. Furthermore, despite CPIC and internal police records, there are often gaps.

For example, a recent conviction may not yet be registered. A name-based search, as opposed to a finger-print based search, will not likely yield any record of convictions where the applicant uses an alias.

Although a person may have received a pardon, the Criminal Records Act authorizes the federal Minister of Public Safety to unseal the record for the purposes of screening persons seeking to work with vulnerable persons.

The record of conviction may not be available because the individual was convicted as a youth under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

Despite the built-in limitations of PRCs, they do serve a purpose, particularly in those cases where the organization is committed to a full and complete screening process (e.g. high-risk positions). The PRC will also signal that the organization is concerned about the safety of its participants.

  1. PRCs are only one element of the multi-step screening process.
  2. Be aware of the limitations of PRCs.
  3. PRCs are an important screening tool, particularly for high-risk positions.
  4. Organizations should consult with their local police service when developing their screening policy.

See Government of Canada – Public Safety Canada

Best Practice Guidelines for Screening Volunteers

Durham Regional Police Service
605 Rossland Rd. E.,
Box 911, Whitby, ON
L1N 0B8
Phone: 905-579-1520
Toll Free: 1-888-579-1520
Send an Email

NOTE: Regional HQ in Whitby is not open to the public

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